Azzan Porter
Physics and Mathematics, University of Maryland Baltimore County
'We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.' - Albert Einstein
Azzan Porter
I enjoyed asking why the universe operates in the way it does. I love how mathematics is the language in which physics holds true to. I always enjoyed how simple things can be explain in such a difficult manner. I absolutely love topics such as dark matter, gravitational waves, and quantum gravity.
I plan on pursuing a Ph.D. in physics, with a concentration in astrophysics.
I am now working on Juno Observations of Foreshock Magnetic Fluctuations Upstream of Quasi-Parallel Bow Shocks. Characterize magnetic fluctuation amplitude as a function of solar wind Mach number at Jupiter’s bow shock. This is a NASA project that I will be presenting at AGU and URCAD next year.