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2023 Scholar

Isabelle Jones

Astrophysics, University of Florida
I chose to be an astrophysics major to continue learning about celestial bodies and to understand the physics behind their existence.
Isabelle Jones headshot

Isabelle Jones

Isabelle Jones

My story

One day in elementary school my brother brought home books on some of the planets of the solar system. Reading these books sparked my interest in learning more about these planets, our solar system, and other broader topics in astronomy. I chose to be an astrophysics major to continue learning about celestial bodies and to understand the physics behind their existence.

I am most passionate about planets and understanding how they form. I plan to apply to graduate school to continue my education and use my degree to conduct research on planets within and outside our solar system. At my university I am creating magnetohydrodynamical simulations of protoplanetary disks and comparing them to ALMA observations.

Receiving this scholarship is impactful because it helps my family and me with the financial burden of my education. Receiving this scholarship also makes me proud of pursuing an astrophysics degree.