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2023 Scholar

Jean Luc Ishimwe

Physics and Math, Swarthmore College
I find theoretical physics in general absolutely fascinating, particularly the development of seemingly simple mathematical models to explain complex phenomena.

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My story

I always found physics to be an extremely fascinating science because of its fundamental nature and ability to explain diverse phenomena across various length scales. In high school, I opted to enroll in an intensive three-year program with a physics and math concentration, and once in college, I decided to continue with the academic path I had started.

I find theoretical physics in general absolutely fascinating, particularly the development of seemingly simple mathematical models to explain complex phenomena. I plan to pursue a Ph.D. in theoretical climate physics or theoretical climate systems-related physics fields. I am currently working on exploring the effects of obstacles (free degrees of freedom in the form of pins) on phases transitions in 2D disordered granular systems using computational methods, specifically molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning.

The TEAM-UP Together award represents a significant step toward accomplishing my academic dream as it alleviates a lot of financial burden from me and my family and permits me to dedicate myself to personal and intellectual growth as an aspiring physicist.