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2023 Scholar

Italian Johnson

Physics, Jackson State University
In physics, I am most passionate about the endless possibilities of things I can do.
Italian Johnson headshot

Italian Johnson

Italian Johnson

My story

My interest in physics started my junior year of high school when I was allowed to do an internship at the physics lab of Jackson State University. I chose to major in physics because of the variety of things I can study with it, with many different career paths and research opportunities. I plan to attend graduate school while working as a teaching assistant. I plan to then get a job with the government and do research in a lab.

The most recent REU I completed was in Washington, D.C., at the Catholic University of America. This research allowed me to be around my peers and work on something I felt passionate about. I also learned many things about magnetization that I will be able to apply in my classes.

Receiving this scholarship was important to me because it allowed me to be stress-free while in college. Typically, my parents would have to pay out of pocket, but by knowing they do not have to do so this semester, I can focus on doing my best in school. This scholarship will have a lot of impact on my college year, because it makes me want more rather than settling for less.